Healthy Congregations Know When to Adapt – Part 1

Given the high-change environment in which we find ourselves, adapting is a primary focus for healthy, forward-leaning congregations. Those who learn quickly, pivot their practices and embody the Kingdom of God in life-giving ways will flourish. So can we predict...

3 Needs That Help Church Groups Grow Disciples

When life is stable and things are good, our sense of need for robust Christian relationships may seem small. Yet, when we find ourselves living in the 21st century, our need for faith-based invigorated ongoing relationship skyrockets. When Christian people decide...

Which Set of Questions Best Defines Your Church?

What drives your church? The questions we are asking and answering reveal what we are really about. All of us, individuals and congregations, are answering a set of questions through how we live. When it comes to church, there are driving questions behind and...