by Mark Tidsworth | Jun 20, 2017 | Opinion
There seems to be an increased sense of vulnerability in the pastoral community. Not the courageous choice to share one’s challenges and struggles in appropriate and mission congruent ways, but the experience of being in circumstances where one is overly exposed...
by Mark Tidsworth | May 9, 2017 | Opinion
Underestimating the work involved in leading deep change is the most common mistake leaders make when leading congregations toward positive, life-giving, mission-congruent change. The primary expression of this classic mistake tends to be launching our change...
by Mark Tidsworth | Mar 14, 2017 | Opinion
Jesus was not even slightly interested in the personal preferences or comfort of his disciples, according to the Gospels. Frequently, his disciples tried to convince him to tone it down. They urged him to modify his call to deny self and follow and to offer a more...
by Mark Tidsworth | Jan 12, 2017 | Opinion
Have you heard people breathing a sigh of relief that 2016 is over? What a crazy year with so many bizarre experiences. Perhaps the most disturbing development was watching the forces, rhetoric and actions of hate escalate. Terrorist acts, those engaging in the...
by Mark Tidsworth | Dec 29, 2016 | Opinion
What do you call it in your church? Christian education, Christian formation, faith formation, spiritual formation? These titles reflect our evolving understanding of disciple development in faith communities. At this point in time, I typically use the phrase,...