by Mark Tidsworth | Nov 15, 2017 | Opinion
A comment from a nearby table at a local coffee shop quickly grabbed my attention. A group of 20-somethings suddenly laughed when one of them said, “I love what Jesus was about, but I couldn’t be a Christian. I’m just not angry enough at everyone in...
by Mark Tidsworth | Nov 3, 2017 | Opinion
We are constantly training ourselves on what we really believe is important, though typically with little conscious awareness. This is particularly true of congregations. How so? Whatever our leaders talk about most often is what we come to believe is really...
by Mark Tidsworth | Sep 15, 2017 | Opinion
Many of us in the Christian movement yearn to be more invigorated, animated and passionate disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe embracing our identity as disciples is central to our calling as Christ-followers. Given this, one of the central purposes of Christian...
by Mark Tidsworth | Aug 30, 2017 | Opinion
Have you been church shopping lately? Maybe you are on the edge of initiating a search due to your disappointment, discomfort or disagreement with your current congregation. Does anyone keep statistics on how many Christ-followers change churches each year? I would...
by Mark Tidsworth | Jul 11, 2017 | Opinion
Politics doesn’t drive culture but is an expression of cultural change. With that point of view, we can easily observe that American culture is in a season of great flux. Familiar political categories are deconstructing before our eyes, while new categories are...