7 Suggestions for Pastors Leaving Their Churches

This is the season for clergy and church staff to move. Quite a few pastors have contacted me about managing their goodbyes and hellos as they transition. These pastors want to manage their leaving well as a final way to love their congregations. In addition, they...

7 Steps to Increase Your Self-Discipline in Ministry

One of the blessings of vocational ministry is the high degree of control clergy have over their schedules. If you are a minister, before you groan and push back, consider how much control you have. Because it is a calling and because clergy are on call most always...

Playing to Win: Identifying Your Change Disposition

Navigating the whitewater of change seems to be the number-one challenge of our times. Trying to convince individuals, families, businesses and congregations that change is happening is like trying to convince the sun it is yellow. Some things are so obvious they are...

3 Essentials for Effective Conflict Management

“If you find the perfect church, don’t join it; you will just mess it up.” It’s true. Because we are flawed human beings, we take ourselves with us wherever we go, even to church. Given this reality, there is no way to eliminate all conflict...

When Church Conflict Erupts, We Blame Wrong Thing

Themes show up in the oddest places sometimes. I’m thinking about three congregations in which Pinnacle Leadership Associates has done conflict management consulting – Baptist, Lutheran and Presbyterian. Conflicts in these three churches were related to...