Wanted: Peacemakers in the Culture War

There’s been lots of bad news this past week. Hurricane Ike ran ashore over Galveston, Texas, and folks as far away as Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky felt its force. The collapse of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae was quickly followed by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers...

A Great Investment on Just Pennies A Day

A little over a year ago, the Missions Committee offered a small way we can impact our community. They sponsored “piggy banks” for each Sunday school class asking for loose change offerings to benefit God’s Pantry. This Lexington-based organization...

Ice, Ice, Maybe

Alongside the summer pursuits of outdoor projects, backyard barbecues and a really good book to read while sitting by a stream, lake or ocean–I have wondered about the fragility and tenuous nature of life. I know it appears strange to sink into a melancholy of...

Talking Back to the Pulpit

Churches in the African-American tradition are familiar with “talking back.” This give-and-take between the pulpit and pew offers immediate and affirming feedback with “that’s right,” “come on now” and “preach it”...

Great Preachers Wear Dresses

What do Karen Armstrong, Kathleen Norris and Anne Rice have in common? Actually, they share several similarities. They are all white women born in the 1940s who have been heavily influenced by the Catholic tradition and are prolific and acclaimed English-language...