Valentine’s Day Is for Everybody

Our culture will celebrate love tomorrow. Mostly, it will focus on a form of love the Greeks called eros. It is the source of our English word erotica. It is not a word found in the Greek New Testament (GNT). Yet, two other Greek words for love are found. One is...

Confessions of an Interfaith Baptist Preacher

Why would a Baptist be heavily involved in an interfaith organization? Aren’t we known for our unreserved advocacy and commitment to Christian conversion? Shouldn’t our energies be focused on the advancement of gospel sharing? Is cooperation with other faiths a form...

Starving on Plenty

Thumbing through the new Eat This, Not That: Supermarket Survival Guide, I was stopped cold by this statistic: The average piece of chicken has 266 percent more fat than it did in 1971, while its protein content has dropped by a third. Accordingly, the book suggests...

A Prayer for a New Day

May we pray, pray, pray and work, work, work to build a better tomorrow and welcome this world you have made and love to become all you have intended it to be. O God of King David and Queen Elizabeth, Of every Pharaoh and each Caesar, of all despots and dictators, of...

Caution Needed on the Information Superhighway

A young stockbroker, who once belonged to a youth group I led back in the 1980s, refers to Facebook as “Internet crack cocaine.” He might be right, especially in the first month of “addiction” when there is a frenzy of activity: renewing old acquaintances, looking...