by Mark Johnson | May 29, 2009 | Opinion
As we look forward to Pentecost Sunday on May 31, I wonder why so many churches appear hesitant to put forward a clear emphasis on the dimension of God as Spirit. Growing up in Baptist churches, I remember how comfortable we were with the story of Jesus from Advent...
by Mark Johnson | May 6, 2009 | Opinion
Recent proposals by lawmakers in South Carolina and Florida to offer state-sponsored, overtly Christian license plates should have one group particularly offended. And it’s not the atheists, secular humanists or other supposed antagonists to the faith. The...
by Mark Johnson | Apr 24, 2009 | Opinion
Prophets of doom were once a parody—these shoddily clad, long-bearded and crazy-eyed predictors of imminent peril wearing sandals and sandwich-board signs bearing the standard cliché: “The End is Near.” Now, they are the respected voices from a sub-group...
by Mark Johnson | Apr 17, 2009 | Opinion
Best-selling author and megachurch Pastor Rick Warren is in a bit of a jam. First, while appearing on Larry King Live on April 7, he firmly denied any public statements endorsing Proposition 8 in the 2008 election on the California ballot and any personal animosity to...
by Mark Johnson | Apr 10, 2009 | Opinion
Once while serving in a church with a retired Army colonel and his native Korean wife, a conversation about the basics of the Christian faith led me to ask her, “Do you have any questions about our celebration of Easter?” She replied, “I get most of...