Wendell Berry: A Prophetic Voice for Our Environment

Wendell Berry: A Prophetic Voice for Our Environment

Wendell Berry, the inimitable farmer, who is also a novelist, poet, essayist, environmental activist and cultural critic, is celebrating his 85th birthday today. I now refer to Berry as “my favorite farmer.” Why would I do that? (And who would have a list of favorite...
Answering Whether or Not Religion is a Good Thing

Answering Whether or Not Religion is a Good Thing

Is religion a good thing? How would you respond to that question? Perhaps some of you would quickly answer in the affirmative, and a few of you would likely answer in the negative. However, maybe many of you, like me, would want to respond, “It depends.” Or, in...
Is It Anti-Semitic to Criticize the Nation of Israel?

Is It Anti-Semitic to Criticize the Nation of Israel?

Anti-Semitism has a long and sordid existence in world history. As is the case with all discriminatory language and actions, anti-Semitism cannot be condoned no matter when or by whom it is expressed. But neither can charges of anti-Semitism be used as a means to...
Fred Korematsu: The Civil Rights Hero You Never Knew

Fred Korematsu: The Civil Rights Hero You Never Knew

While not exactly a household name, Fred T. Korematsu (born 100 years ago today, on Jan. 30, 1919) is becoming increasingly recognized as the civil rights hero he was. Kakusaburo Korematsu emigrated from Japan to California in 1905. In 1914, a young woman named Kotsui...