by Laura Seay | Apr 20, 2007 | Opinion
The horror of the Virginia Tech story is going to be with us for a while. I got an e-mail from J tonight. I remembered right. He lived in West Ambler Johnson dorm for two years. All his family’s friends who are at VT now are okay. He was a third-generation VT...
by Laura Seay | Dec 27, 2006 | Opinion
Jesus was a refugee. That’s all I can think about this Christmas. Last Sunday at church was the Christmas extravaganza, shepherds and angels and wise men and Mary and Joseph and a baby who didn’t cry (which is, in itself, a small miracle). Carols have been...
by Laura Seay | Oct 6, 2006 | Opinion
My mom and I talked a little about immigration while I was home. It’s a huge issue in Tennessee politics right now, and all the politicians are running ads showing themselves defending Tennessee’s borders from undocumented workers’ perceived threat...
by Laura Seay | Sep 1, 2006 | Opinion
Poverty’s in the news again. I usually teach in a class on poverty and politics this time of year, but not this fall. It’s one of my favorite classes, because it brings together a mix of students from all kinds of background. A passionate discussion...
by Laura Seay | Aug 14, 2006 | Opinion
At the church I attended in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, we sometimes sang a song called, “Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe,” a Kiswahili title that means, “There is No God Like You.” Each verse is sung in one of Congo’s languages:...