by Larry Wilson | Sep 10, 2009 | Opinion
Kenny Rogers and the First Edition did a song back when I was a young man titled “Tell It All.” The song said, “…tell it all before we fall, tell it all.” We live in a world of half-truths, where people give half-baked answers that become...
by Larry Wilson | Jun 12, 2009 | Opinion
“In all matters, with the exception of religion, it doesn’t matter whether something is true or not but rather whether people perceive it is true and act upon it.” So said my history professor at Gardner-Webb College, and for a while I thought the...
by Larry Wilson | Jan 19, 2009 | Opinion
We must remember and care for our fellow travelers on this beautiful planet and treat them not as competitors, but as if they were Jesus who said that he could be found among the little ones. Proclaiming with Jesus the year of Jubilee is our only hope for restoration....
by Larry Wilson | Apr 21, 2008 | Opinion
I remember talking with two friends before the fall of the Soviet Union telling them I believed the U.S.S.R. would start to crumble and would no longer exist within five years. They thought I had lost my mind. Our country had defined the Soviet Union as totally evil...
by Larry Wilson | Mar 18, 2008 | Opinion
Suffering is at the heart of the Christian gospel. The Gospels themselves are stories, with long introductions, about the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus calls us to choose suffering for the sake of His kingdom as He himself chose to suffer for the...