by Larry Greenfield | Feb 15, 2013 | Opinion
The Synoptic Gospels all include the wilderness temptation narrative. Matthew and Luke go into great detail recounting the three different temptations of the devil. Mark, on the other hand, simply puts it this way (after a relatively short account of Jesus’...
by Larry Greenfield | Feb 1, 2013 | Opinion
Are you ready for the observance on Feb. 2? Have you made plans for the observance? Will you do the observance in private or with a group? What do you expect to follow from the observance that falls on Feb. 2? Do you think I’m asking these questions about...
by Larry Greenfield | Jan 18, 2013 | Opinion
Jesus had options. We know that was the case from the very start of his ministry. In the Synoptic Gospels – Matthew, Mark and Luke – he exercises his initial options in the wilderness following his baptism, deciding between: â— Bread for his belly versus food for...
by Larry Greenfield | Dec 14, 2012 | Opinion
Here’s the question that must be asked during Advent: Do the Rules of Advent apply only in Advent? Or to put the question another way: Do the Advent Rules apply beyond the special period (in the Western church) inclusive of the four Sundays prior to Christmas?...
by Larry Greenfield | Nov 30, 2012 | Opinion
His win was my loss. When George McGovern was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in November 1956, he asked Mr. Larson, my debate coach at Washington High School in Sioux Falls, S.D., to be his aide in Washington, D.C. So for the remainder of the semester,...