Environmentalists Must Understand Thanksgiving

We ought to give contemporary environmentalists a little slack for misreading Psalm 50. After all, the Psalmist does give the strong impression that she is a member of the court, summoning the wicked ”those who misuse and abuse the creation ”to face the sternest and...

Exorcizing the Demons

We don’t call him an exorcist, probably because the term is so out of fashion; but that’s actually what he is. Instead, we call him the U.S. attorney for the northern district of Illinois and, once in a while, special counsel when the demons are at work in places like...

Don’t Fritter Away Opportunity for New Creation

Too cryptic. That’s the sense I often have when reading the Gospel of Mark. By the time the reader starts the 16th verse, Jesus has already been baptized by John in the Jordan River, survived 40 days of temptation by Satan in the wilderness with wild beasts and...

Hope for Change in the Middle East

The writer of the Gospel of Mark is a little vague about the numbers.   When reporting on how many people from the Judean countryside came out to see and hear John the baptizer in the wilderness, the writer just says they came from all over the place.   The reportage...

Senators Must Be Immune to Abuse of Power

Could it be that Democratic leaders Harry Reid and Dick Durbin didn’t get immunized to the abuse of power? Let’s admit that this disease has been around for a long time in Washington, D.C. Eight years of George Bush and Dick Cheney has spread the abuse-of-power virus...