by Larry Greenfield | Jul 7, 2009 | Opinion
Jesus, I suppose, didn’t think he was retaining his power at the expense of others. In his mind, I’m guessing, he thought he was doing a pretty good job of sharing his power with everyone who asked. After all, according to the first five chapters of...
by Larry Greenfield | Jun 16, 2009 | Opinion
Given a polity of democracy, one would think that American politicians would always be aiming to please the constituencies they represent. After all, those voters are the ones who determine whether a politician stays in or is removed from office. That’s the...
by Larry Greenfield | Jun 2, 2009 | Opinion
The psalmist covers most but not all of the possibilities. In praise to God’s wisdom and power, the psalmist says that when God chooses to hide God’s face, the creatures of the earth “are dismayed,” and when God chooses to “take away...
by Larry Greenfield | May 22, 2009 | Opinion
Given the divorce rate in this country, it’s pretty clear that quite a few folks have trouble staying in love. A host of contextual and cultural reasons, even justifications, exist for the phenomenon, despite the “death do us part” vows that most...
by Larry Greenfield | May 7, 2009 | Opinion
It pains me to say it, but it appears that Jesus is anti-laborer. Not “anti-labor,” mind you, since, as far as I can tell, the New Testament is silent on the rights of workers to organize. But, according to the Gospel of John (10: 11-13), Jesus despises...