by Larry Greenfield | May 25, 2010 | Opinion
I’m going to try hard not to sound like that line from “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face” in “My Fair Lady” that goes, “I’m very grateful she’s a woman/and so easy to forget/ Rather like a habit/One can always...
by Larry Greenfield | May 18, 2010 | Opinion
It gives me the shivers to think that I might be in league with members of the Tea Party. But increasingly, under my breath, I find myself growling: “Throw the bums out.” The bums to be thrown out, of course, are legislators at various levels of government...
by Larry Greenfield | Apr 15, 2010 | Opinion
Taxes are a sacrament. That’s according to James Carroll, the novelist, playwright, poet, author of such major texts as “House of War,” “Constantine’s Sword” and “Practicing Catholic” and a Monday columnist for the...
by Larry Greenfield | Mar 30, 2010 | Opinion
The crux of the Christian story gets played out in the coming days. But where will the drama be staged? Everybody – Christians and non-Christians alike – knows the plot of the drama by now, even if it will go through millions of reruns again this year, just like every...
by Larry Greenfield | Mar 12, 2010 | Opinion
Off the hook, thank God! That’s what Christians might be thinking when they read that famous passage from 2 Corinthians in which the Apostle Paul writes that from now on we regard no one, literally, “according to the flesh” – or, as it is normally...