How Paying Taxes Can Be a Sacrament

Taxes are a sacrament. That’s according to James Carroll, the novelist, playwright, poet, author of such major texts as “House of War,” “Constantine’s Sword” and “Practicing Catholic” and a Monday columnist for the...

Economic Recovery on the Poor’s Backs

The crux of the Christian story gets played out in the coming days. But where will the drama be staged? Everybody – Christians and non-Christians alike – knows the plot of the drama by now, even if it will go through millions of reruns again this year, just like every...

Off The Hook on Health Care? Not So Fast

Off the hook, thank God! That’s what Christians might be thinking when they read that famous passage from 2 Corinthians in which the Apostle Paul writes that from now on we regard no one, literally, “according to the flesh” – or, as it is normally...