How God Expects Us to Rule Creation

God made humans in his image and entrusted them with sovereignty over the rest of creation, according to Genesis 1. This sovereignty over creation isn’t a despotic rule to do whatever we want with and to the earth, imposing our will on it. Have you ever tried to...

Why Would Jesus Want to Release the Prisoners?

Jesus begins his public ministry by going to synagogue and reading from the prophet Isaiah. “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight...

Left/Right Labeling Endangers Civil Discourse

Everybody should know their place and keep their place, including God. This perspective is an unfortunate result of the Enlightenment worldview, which distinguished between the sacred and the secular and formed the basis of our modern, Western worldview. It asserts...

Restoring Creation Care to Our Theology

At each stage of creation in Genesis 1, God likes what he has created. He declares that the world is good. When it’s all done, he declares that the creation is very good. And then something goes very wrong. First, the humans decide that they don’t want to...

When a Church is Not Really a Church

When is the church “the church”? There are some who like to talk about “The Church,” by which they mean the sum total of any and all Christians anywhere in the world. While this is a biblical concept, it can have the unfortunate consequence of...