Christian Reaction to Election: Don’t Lose Focus

The New Testament writers never seemed that concerned with who happened to be Caesar at any particular time. This may not seem like a big deal, but, besides the fact that Caesar had considerable impact on their lives, it’s in stark contrast with the Old...

Male Headship vs. Mutual Submission in Marriage

Nowhere is the difference between the static and the dynamic views of the Bible more evident than in the ongoing evangelical debate regarding roles in marriage. The traditional view, called the complementarian view, sees the roles as tied to gender and fixed in...

When 300 Muslims Defended Christians but Few Noticed

Something notable occurred in May in Indonesia: Muslims came to the defense of persecuted Christians. As reported in Christianity Today and CNN, 300 Islamic leaders from 30 countries came together to denounce religious extremism within Islam, which has led not only to...

Closing Loopholes to Protect Our Girls

A new law that took effect on July 3, 2016, in Virginia made it illegal for a 13-year-old girl to get married. It applied to 13-year-old boys as well, but the reasons the law was needed was mainly because of the exploitation of girls. According to a Washington Post...