by Laura Landgraf | Oct 29, 2019 | Opinion
Forgive, but please don’t forget. Forgive and forget are not synonymous, although my background would suggest they are. All my life it was “forgive and forget,” which, when you think about it, makes perfect sense – if you’re my parents. Forgetting was the same as...
by Laura Landgraf | Oct 22, 2019 | Opinion
It’s incendiary, the bomb of incest or molestation. One moment, life as you know it is sailing along; the next it has exploded before your very eyes. In a state of shock, you wonder what just happened, or if what just happened really did happen. Surely, it’s a dream –...
by Laura Landgraf | Oct 15, 2019 | Opinion
Teresa (not her real name) never thought it would happen to her. One of her children, the middle of five, caused a seismic shift in the landscape of their family when she haltingly disclosed that her daddy was molesting her. Of course, her daughter didn’t use the word...
by Laura Landgraf | Oct 8, 2019 | Opinion
Every Saturday night, the Walsh families gathered for dinner, music and cousin time. There were nine children, ranging in age from 4 to 15. It was boisterously good fun. Kids catapulted across the lawn playing games, adults barbecued and set tables for dinner. The...
by Laura Landgraf | Oct 1, 2019 | Opinion
Nothing compares with the moments my children were born. My son offered his opinion of the process instantly with an indignant wail. I laughed in delight. My daughter, after being placed on my tummy, quietly contemplated me with her great big eyes. I melted in that...