Clergy Answer King’s 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail

(RNS) A coalition of Christian churches answered the Rev. Martin Luther King’s 1963 “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” conceding that Americans have often have chosen to be comfortable rather than “prophetic” on racism. Leaders of Christian Churches Together in the USA,...

Gallup: Jews Score Highest on Well-being Survey

(RNS) American Jews scored the highest of any religious group on a “well-being” index even though more than half of Jews are nonreligious, according to a new Gallup survey. The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index is based on a survey of more than 550,000 people who...

Father Oprah and Wife Welcome First Daughter

(RNS) The Miami priest once known as “Father Oprah,” who joined the Episcopal Church after his breaking his Catholic vow of celibacy, announced the birth of his first child on Thursday (Dec. 2). “With thanksgiving to God, the giver of all life, my wife and I announce...