An Imperishable Love

A sermon by, Keith Herron, Pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo. The Third Sunday of Easter I Peter 1:17-23 May 4, 2014 Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19; Luke 24:13-35; Acts 2:14a, 36-41 When Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, he told one last story to make...

Fulghum Offers Instructions for Life’s Wayfarers

Robert Fulghum leapt upon the national scene with his wildly popular collection of our generation’s wisdom literature, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things.” Fulghum’s gift has been to drink...

The Heart of Our Most Sacred Stories

A sermon by Keith Herron, Pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo. The Second Sunday of Easter I Peter 1:3-9 April 27, 2014 Psalm 16; John 20:19-31; Acts 2:14a, 22-32 Can you imagine it? On that first Easter morning, when Jesus stepped out of the tomb, not...

Thunderous Yes

A sermon by Keith Herron, Pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo. Easter Sunday Acts 10:34-43 April 20, 2014 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; I Corinthians 15:1-11; John 20:1-18 This has been one of the most difficult weeks we’ve faced as a community since I’ve been...