Gifts that keep giving

Gifts that keep giving

By John D. Pierce A gift subscription to Nurturing Faith Journal is not as tasty as a candy cane or a chocolate Santa — but it lasts a lot longer. And it leaves one feeling well informed and inspired rather than in a sugar stupor. So you simply click here to order...
Remembering Walker Knight

Remembering Walker Knight

By John D. Pierce He coined the phrase, “Peace, like war, is waged.” He challenged Baptists and others to live out the gospel of justice and inclusion — when it challenged their cultural norms. He founded an independent publication (at great personal cost) in which...
Nothing ‘less than the truth’

Nothing ‘less than the truth’

By John D. Pierce Walker L. Knight (in The Struggle for the Soul of the SBC) recalls the day after Thanksgiving 1982, when he met near the Atlanta airport with theological educator Larry McSwain and other thoughtful Baptist leaders seeking to counter the rise of...
Israel experience full — Glacier is filling

Israel experience full — Glacier is filling

By John D Pierce The Nurturing Faith Experience: Israel/West Bank, set for May 18-28, has filled to capacity. Thanks to those who so eagerly responded bringing our “small group” to more than 50 persons. Nurturing Faith contributing editor and Bible study...
When history asks…

When history asks…

By John D. Pierce Someday history will ask: “When American evangelicals were sacrificing their claimed values and witness to overwhelmingly embrace a religious/political ideology in stark contrast to the life and teachings of Jesus, was anyone speaking out?” I want...