4 Trends to Build Successful Communities of Care

Faith communities make a positive impact in supporting caregivers. In a recent joint effort by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and RTI International, researchers explored five interfaith communities that provide care for loved ones suffering with...

Yes, Many Baptists Observe Ash Wednesday Too

Baptists don’t celebrate Ash Wednesday. That was the reason given to me a few years ago by a local Christian bookstore employee in explaining why they didn’t have any Ash Wednesday resources. I had stopped by the store looking for Ash Wednesday items for...

3 Questions to Ask as You Study the Bible

Every so often, I stumble upon a new way to read and study the Bible. Scripture tells us that it is good to meditate on God’s Word day and night (Psalm 1:2), but it is difficult to know how to dig deep in its teachings. In exploring the lessons of the psalms,...

Pastor as CEO? All the Perks; Zero Accountability

I am the first to admit that many in the pastoral profession desire all the perks of being a CEO in a local church – complete with salary and benefits – while refusing to be held accountable to the same standards as CEOs who work in the business world....