by Joe LaGuardia | Feb 6, 2018 | Opinion
The long expanse of ministry in which you are pursuing an idea or program that you were excited about starting a while ago – what I call “The Middle” – is rarely addressed at the conferences or meetings I attend. No one ever addresses how to...
by Joe LaGuardia | Dec 22, 2017 | Opinion
Church consultants and pastors have spilled much ink regarding how churches should welcome guests. There is a reason for that: Churches, from veteran churches to church starts, need to learn how to greet guests and be the welcoming community Christ calls us to be. You...
by Joe LaGuardia | Nov 15, 2017 | Opinion
Christianity is beginning to flourish again in Cuba. This was evident during a mission trip that I took with a small group of clergy and lay leaders to Cuba through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) in early November. In partnership with the Fraternity of...
by Joe LaGuardia | Oct 17, 2017 | Opinion
I fear that some people see hymns only as nostalgic remnants from the church of yesteryear, that hymns are only useful to pass the time at funerals or revival services. Hymns, however, play more of a role than that, and research suggests that hymns contribute to our...
by Joe LaGuardia | Sep 25, 2017 | Opinion
Editor’s note: This article has been revised to remove a statement about William Sloane Coffin being kin to Harry Emerson Fosdick. They were not related. Most ministers I know pray for courage daily. Ministry is a sacrificial act that requires risk,...