by Joe LaGuardia | Dec 20, 2019 | Opinion
They say that, in writing, honesty is the best policy. Stephen King advises in “On Writing” that writing is best when it tells the truth. In “Right to Write,” Julia Cameron has an entire chapter on honesty and its merits in writing. Creative writing coaches will tell...
by Joe LaGuardia | Nov 1, 2019 | Opinion
I’ve been addicted recently to a new channel on SiriusXM Radio devoted to old The Tonight Show episodes with Johnny Carson. I get a kick out of his monologues. What is most intriguing is the humor and relevance that make monologues so timeless, even though the...
by Joe LaGuardia | Apr 19, 2018 | Opinion
We are often unaware of the influences that shape our thinking. I taught a class recently at Palm Beach Atlantic University about worldviews, seeking to encourage graduating seniors to articulate, further define or develop a Christian worldview that sees not as the...
by Joe LaGuardia | Feb 21, 2018 | Opinion
The Holy Spirit convicted me about 10 years ago that I needed to learn a thing or two about submission and obedience. I had been a Christ-follower for some time, but I have always had a flavor for independence and strong-willed stubbornness. In fact, I became a...
by Joe LaGuardia | Feb 16, 2018 | Opinion
I tried to keep from weeping the last time I went through an airport security check. I had to take my shoes off at the metal detector because one terrorist, a few years back, tried to light a fire on an airplane. As I walked through the airport that day, it had been...