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Group Urging Americans to ‘Take Back Your Time’

Feeling like a slave to your schedule? This Oct. 24, thousands of Americans are just saying “NO” to overworking and overstress that is overwhelming them. Take Back Your Time Day, a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy at Cornell...

Teachers Positive About Profession, Study Says

Teachers generally love their work, but they are unnerved by problems in the education system, according to a survey by Public Agenda. The study, “Stand By Me: What Teachers Really Think about Unions, Merit Pay and Other Professional Matters,” revealed...

Ethicists Decry Teen Alcohol Study

Researchers hoping to test how alcohol affects sleeping in teens are coming under fire from ethicists arguing that such research puts children at risk. Brown University Medical School wants to study how drinking affects sleep by giving teenagers varying amounts of...

Woman Sues to Distribute Bibles on Bus

A Wisconsin woman is suing for the right to hand out Bibles on her county’s buses. Gail Anderson had been offering the Bible to fellow passengers since she began riding the bus in 1999, the Associated Press reported. But Anderson’s Bible-passing days ended...