Teens Give Mixed Reviews to Childhood Church Experience

Teenagers who attended church as children can cite religious facts, made friends and had fun, but many don’t retain enough Bible knowledge to apply biblical principles in decision-making, according to a new survey. A majority of teens attended church while...

High School Newspapers Hit By Budget Cuts

High school newspapers, long viewed as a laboratory for fledgling journalists, have a rich tradition including censorship battles between idealistic students and cautious administrators. Now, students are also learning real-life lessons about the financial side of...

‘Keyboard Cooties’ Cited as Possible Health Threat

“Keyboard cooties,” germ-infested keyboards on public computers, telephones and ATM keypads, are getting attention as a possible threat to public health. ABC NEWS reported that bacteria from skin flakes, bits of food and other unmentionables lingering on...

More Americans Turning to Antidepressants

More Americans are being treated for depression, thanks to a new generation of antidepressant drugs, but experts say the ailment is still underdiagnosed and undertreated in the United States, according to news reports about recent studies. Outpatient treatment for...