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Battle of the Bulge Going Global

Americans aren’t the only ones battling the bulge nowadays. Obesity has become a worldwide problem, spreading to nearly every corner of the globe. In Germany, every third child under age 12 and every fifth teenager are overweight, according to the New York...

Back-To-School Spending Expected to Rise

Before kids head back to school, consumers are heading to stores, and retailers are hoping that increased spending this year signals a recovering economy. The National Retail Federation says spending for the back-to-school season will pump $14.1 billion into the...

Meet the Metrosexual

Macho is out, and the well-dressed, wine-savvy, salon-visiting, body-conscious, gourmet cook is in. This brave new breed of men, who are in touch with their feminine side while decidedly straight, represents a growing population segment termed...

Stakes High for Young Gamblers, Experts Say

Gambling among America’s youth is on the rise, and experts say the long-term stakes are high since young gamblers are the most likely to develop addiction problems. While the games are typically small-time—underage purchases of lottery tickets or playing cards...