by Jodi Mathews | Jul 31, 2003 | News
Americans aren’t the only ones battling the bulge nowadays. Obesity has become a worldwide problem, spreading to nearly every corner of the globe. In Germany, every third child under age 12 and every fifth teenager are overweight, according to the New York...
by Jodi Mathews | Jul 29, 2003 | News
Before kids head back to school, consumers are heading to stores, and retailers are hoping that increased spending this year signals a recovering economy. The National Retail Federation says spending for the back-to-school season will pump $14.1 billion into the...
by Jodi Mathews | Jul 28, 2003 | News
Macho is out, and the well-dressed, wine-savvy, salon-visiting, body-conscious, gourmet cook is in. This brave new breed of men, who are in touch with their feminine side while decidedly straight, represents a growing population segment termed...
by Jodi Mathews | Jul 24, 2003 | News
The well-being of American children is improving in many areas, according to a recent report. Infant and childhood death rates are down. There are fewer young people smoking and fewer children exposed to second-hand smoke, according to the government report,...
by Jodi Mathews | Jul 22, 2003 | News
Gambling among America’s youth is on the rise, and experts say the long-term stakes are high since young gamblers are the most likely to develop addiction problems. While the games are typically small-time—underage purchases of lottery tickets or playing cards...