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U.S. Prison Populations Rise

Even though the crime rate is down, prison populations grew 2.6 percent last year, according to the most recent Bureau of Justice statistics. More than 2.1 million persons were incarcerated in federal, state or local facilities at the end of last year, according to...

Graying Job Seekers Try Not to Look Their Age

Faced with a tough job market and concerns about age discrimination, some older job seekers are attempting to hide their age from prospective employers. Everything from omitting dates from one’s resume to coloring one’s hair, or even getting plastic...

Banks Catering to Hispanics

With Hispanics now ranked as the largest minority group in the United States, banks around the country are working hard to cater to this increasingly affluent market. Merrill Lynch, Citibank, Bank of America and others are streamlining services to cater to Hispanics...

1-in-5 Workers Lost Jobs in Recession, Study Says

Nearly one in five Americans, or 18 percent, was laid off during the 2000-2003 recession, according to a new study. And not only are workers losing their jobs, but their employers are not providing them with adequate resources in the in-between times. Two-thirds of...