When Hateful Words Groom People To Commit Violence

We learned it as children: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I assume it is to be a comfort to children when someone speaks unkind words to them. It occurs to me that it also could be a taunt that dares actual physical...

Redemption Made Possible Through Suffering Love

Malcolm X’s Chicago house had been firebombed that morning. Both Malcolm and Martin Luther King Jr. were in New York for speaking engagements. Malcolm had requested a secret meeting with King. King had agreed. It is a fictional account by Jeff Stetson titled...

What Many Folks Get Wrong About the Bible’s Angels

We have all seen it. You probably saw it in the last few weeks. A child is coaxed onto Santa’s lap, and then the child begins screaming and frantically trying to escape. Truth is, some children find a strange loud man in a bright red suit and long white beard...

The Easiest Gift You Can Give Someone This Christmas

When I was young, I knew things were about to get boring when someone around me began a sentence with “remember when.” Now I have become one of those people of a certain stage of life who begins their sentences with “remember when.” My sons, in...