Voting is More Than a Civic Duty

One more week and it will all be over! All the campaign ads, the mudslinging, the distortions, the character attacks—after next Tuesday it will all end, and we can get back to other things; we can have our televisions back. But will it really be over? Or will it just...

Henlee Barnette: Teacher, Friend, Encourager

Editor’s Note: The Baptist Center for Ethics’ 15th anniversary luncheon, June 22 in Atlanta, honors the legacies of T.B. Maston and Henlee Barnette. Today Jim Holladay, a former student and friend, profiles Barnette. The first time I saw Henlee Barnette, I...

Reflections on Redemption

Redemption. The word has been bantered around frequently in the days leading up to the execution of former gang member Tookie Williams. Williams claimed that he had experienced redemption while in prison. During his 20-plus years on death row he renounced his...