On the Trail of ‘What Would Jesus Drive?’

We had an audacious goal when we began planning the “What Would Jesus Drive?” (WWJDrive) educational campaign. We hoped that we could help turn transportation into a moral issue in this country. You can judge whether our efforts thus far have begun to meet...

“What Would Jesus Drive?”

Obeying Jesus in our transportation choices is one of the great Christian obligations and opportunities of the 21st century. Making transportation choices that threaten millions of human beings violates Jesus’ basic commandments: “Love your neighbor as...

The World Summit’s Challenge to Christians

The political leaders at the World Summit failed to meet the challenges faced by God’s creation. The church must admit that she, too, has failed—failed to sufficiently encourage and support government and business leaders to work toward biblical justice in...

Practicing the Three Rs

When people ask me what simple things they can do as individuals and as families to care for God’s creation, something I suggest is that they practice the Three Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle. Reduce Find ways to reduce your consumption of products, high-impact...