Advent: Being the Church Expectant

Dispelling many misconceptions or thin understandings of the ancient patterns of Christianity marking its days and years faithfully is particularly important during the season of Advent. Liturgical scholar and theologian Laurence Hull Stookey’s book,...

Pope Calls Attention to Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton

True to form, Pope Francis demonstrated humility in his way of interacting with all people, not only those in secular or sacred halls of power, during his trip to the U.S. last week. A pontiff who prefers to eat with the homeless rather than national leaders is a...

How Your Beliefs Shape Your Relationships

Mark 7:24-37 where Jesus is challenged by the Syrophoenician woman to provide healing is among the more challenging texts for congregations and preachers. Deeply troubling for centuries of interpreters is Jesus’ negative initial response. The woman’s...

‘Mr. Holmes’

The venerable actor Ian McKellen is starring in a new film, “Mr. Holmes.” For decades, McKellen has worked on stage and film, lauded for his performances. Without a doubt, this new film showcases the fruitfulness of his long career. Without spoiling key...