Three Reasons Why One Pastor Advocates for Poor

I have been an advocate for the poor, both the relatively poor of our nation and the desperately poor in the rest of the world, for my entire ministry. There are several reasons why this is so. First of all, I grew up near poverty. My immediate family was not poor...

What Would Jesus Cut From Federal Budget?

It’s amazing what you can find in the Bible when you actually read it. In the third chapter of Joel, we find these words: “Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears.” But then, about a century later, we read these words from...

How the United States Can Find Its Voice Again

The past few years have been pretty tough for us here in the United States. After all, we are the greatest nation on the face of the earth – for the moment. But two extended wars and an unregulated banking system have just about brought us to our knees. Not a bad...

Love Your Enemy? What Was Jesus Thinking?

I have been preaching from the Sermon on the Mount for the last few Sundays. This is always a challenge for me because the ideals expressed in Matthew 5-7 are so lofty. These chapters are the heart of the Gospel, the very center of the teachings of Jesus. It’s...

Why Christians Shouldn’t Flee From Public Schools

A rough and rocky relationship has existed for some time now between segments of the Christian community and public schools. Growing partly out of integration, but also a clash with science, many believers are convinced that public schools are waging war on their...