Power of Community Can Address Hunger, Poverty

This past week a group of about 20 from our church traveled to the Williams community just outside Jacksonville, Ala., near the campus of Jacksonville University. We went to offer whatever assistance and support we could. They, like several other communities in our...

Does God Send Natural Disasters When Angered?

Somewhere a preacher is preaching. He shakes his fist at the ceiling as he describes the wrath of God. That wrath has come, he tells his attentive congregation, on the crest of a terrible storm. God has shown his power and his might by smashing a wall of wind and...

What Jesus Really Wants Us To Pray For

It’s probably not going to catch on like the cool leather wrist bands with the WWJD acronym – What Would Jesus Do? But it seems a reasonable question: What would Jesus pray? John Dominic Crossan, Jesus Seminar luminary and biblical theological gadfly, has turned...

Resurrection: More Than Just Life After Death

This week Christians around the world will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection is viewed by Christian believers just about everywhere as the foundation of Christianity. They assert that by raising Jesus from the dead God has defeated death and...