Isn’t It Good to Be a Baptist?

With the coming of 2009, we are celebrating the 400th anniversary of Baptists. No, we didn’t start at the Jordan River with John, Jesus’ cousin (he was a baptizer not a Baptist). Most Baptist historians today trace the origin of Baptists to a church organized by John...

Ministry Leaders Must Contextualize

Recently, I wrote that an effective ministry entrepreneur needs to acquire specific knowledge, cultivate certain values and develop competent skills to be effective in ministry. Two of these skills are being able to read or discern the culture in which one ministers...

Training ‘Ministry Entrepreneurs’

A new group of ministers is emerging on the scene. I call these folks “ministry entrepreneurs.”   These are folks who have a particular vision for ministry and have not been able (or willing) to find a way to pursue it in traditional ecclesial structures. This may be...

The Institutional Church

Most of the churches that I have related to over the years would fall into the category of institutional churches. They have buildings, staff members, budgets, participants, activities and bills. I would imagine that this is true for you as well. The institutional...

Old and New Ministries Fill Denominational Cracks

There are a number of ministries–some of which have been around for awhile and more being birthed daily–that want to partner with individual congregations and judicatories at every level to provide specific services and/or opportunities. Although some...