by Ircel Harrison | Jul 9, 2009 | Opinion
My colleague Mark Tidsworth recently posted a topic on the Facebook page for Pinnacle Leadership Associates that generated a lot of response. The topic was the loneliness experienced by many ministers, especially the senior pastor. Pastors are involved with people...
by Ircel Harrison | Jul 6, 2009 | Opinion
One of the greatest blessings that God gave to humankind was the ability to create. The Creator shared some of Godself in placing a spark in each of us that allows us to examine, mold and fashion our environment. Those things that we create can be things of beauty...
by Ircel Harrison | Jun 23, 2009 | Opinion
In an article in the Louisville Courier-Journal, religion writer Peter Smith writes that when the Southern Baptist Convention meets in Louisville today and tomorrow (June 23-24), most convention leaders expect one particular trend to continue — fewer young leaders...
by Ircel Harrison | Jun 17, 2009 | Opinion
I recently commented that leading a church is an art, not a science. My friend, Jack Mercer in Virginia, reminded me that “organizational leadership of any sort is an art. Max Depree’s observation that leadership was much like improvisational jazz always...
by Ircel Harrison | Jun 4, 2009 | Opinion
In light of the new “Star Trek” movie, President Obama has been tagged as our “first Vulcan president” because he comes across as a logical, cool, “no drama” person of mixed heritage. This is an interesting and fun approach, but I...