Churches Must Face Reality, Stop Living in Past

Perhaps it is time for those of us who call ourselves Christians to take a look at the calendar. Although it is 2009, many of us still function as if it were 1980 – or even 1955. In “American Churches in Crisis,” David Olson challenges the American church...

Church Membership: 6% Are First-Timers

A recent study by Leadership Network and the Hartford Institute for Religion Research looked at the demographics of those who attend mega-churches, defined as a congregation attended by 2,000 or more each week.   The study determined that almost half (44 percent) had...

First Rule of Falling Leaders: Blame Something

In his book “How the Mighty Fall,” Jim Collins identifies the third stage as “denial of risk and peril.” One of the markers of this stage is externalizing blame. Rather than accept full responsibility for setbacks and failures, leaders point to...