When It’s Time to Move to the Next Ministry

If you are in ministry, there are times in your life when you have to make a decision about moving from one place of ministry to another. We often use very spiritual and theological language to explain this. In a recent conversation, someone asked me, “How did...

Going It Alone? Why We Need Community

In an article in Perspectives in Religious Studies more than a decade ago, Baptist historian Walter Shurden commented on the organic tension in Baptist life between individualism and community. In the article, he affirmed that “Baptist life historically affirms...

How Do You Measure Success in Church?

Our county’s chamber of commerce just named the pastor of a local nondenominational megachurch as the “business person of the year.” He was cited for growing the church from 150 members to more than 6,000 in 30 years. The citation goes on to say,...

Will Churches Still Plug Into Denominations?

The discussion about the future of denominations continues unabated. A series of videos and articles offered by Leadership Education at Duke Divinity provides some fresh insights for the discussion. In one video, Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, general secretary of the...

What Would Denominations Centered On God Look Like?

In a review in the current issue of Christian Century, Anthony Robinson discusses the application of missional church theology to denominational structures. As Robinson reminds us, it is not the church that has a mission but God who has a mission of which the church...