Reaching Students Who Can’t Go Away to Seminary

Editor’s note: The column below is part two of a three-part series on theological education. Read part one here. The decentralized model of theological education that CentralBaptistTheologicalSeminary in Kansas is offering not only in Tennessee and Wisconsin but...

Leaders vs. Managers: Which Are More Valuable?

Seth Godin does good work. Not only does he provide alternatives to old ways of doing things, he reminds us not to neglect proven concepts.  In arecentblogpost, Godin wrote about the differences between managers and leaders. He said: “Managers work to get their...

Five Strategies to Give CBF a Solid Future

In response to my recent column on the way forward for Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, a friend suggested that I was dealing with reorganization of the national entity.  Actually, I am suggesting not reorganization but reconceptualization. Whenever a new leader comes...