Why Compromise is Healthy for Church, Society

Steve Inskeep interviewed Prof. Shankar Vedantam on NPR recently about compromise.  Studies show that Americans have ambivalent feelings about compromise in politics. They vote for people who say they won’t compromise their values, but they are disappointed when...

Why Your Church Is More Than an Organization

In a post on EthicsDaily.com, pastor Guy Sayles wrote, “For many years now, I’ve had a growing conviction that the great Catholic theologian Karl Rahner was right to have claimed: ‘The Christian of the future will be a mystic or will not exist at...

Becoming a Church That’s on Mission With God

Perhaps one of the greatest and simplest inventions of the last century was the map at the mall with the dot that marked the spot where you were standing when you read the map: “You are here.” On one occasion, I thought to myself, “Where else would I...

Churches Using Old Answers for New Problems

Management guru W. Edwards Deming is reported to have said, “Yesterday’s solutions are today’s problems.”  Solutions or responses to needs are formulated for a particular time, place and context. Often they deal with the immediate problem, but...

Your Church Lost Its Way? 6 Questions to Ask

A favorite expression in my family of origin was, “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”  It was not used just at the dinner table but also as a reminder that sometimes we attempt more than we are capable of completing. I thought of this when I...