Being Baptist in a Post-Denominational Age

Every year our church’s Denominational Relations Committee leads a month-long emphasis on Baptist heritage. The approach each year is different, but the point is to remind us of who we are as a Baptist congregation.  Someone asked this year, “Why talk...

6 Silicon Valley Lessons for Ministry Entrepreneurs

As readers of my columns have observed, I believe that ministry entrepreneurs are serving a significant role in Kingdom work today and will continue to do so in the future.  I have had the chance to meet such creative people and to learn from them. These gifted men...

3 Steps to be a Successful Ministry Entrepreneur

Throughout Christian history, individuals have discovered unmet needs and stepped forward to create new strategies to meet those needs. Such efforts have given birth to monastic orders, mission boards, parachurch ministries and benevolence ministries that often stand...

Five Ways That Christian Educators Grow Disciples

When I was a youngster, my home church called Jim Tucker as director of education and promotion.  Brother Tucker was a Christian educator. He directed all of our education programs, including Sunday school and Training Union, and was the lead person in outreach. (He...