by Ircel Harrison | Sep 24, 2013 | Opinion
When I was a college student, I heard someone say, “The church is always one generation away from extinction.” As I remember, this was intended to encourage us to be evangelistic in sharing our faith. The idea is that God has no grandchildren, only...
by Ircel Harrison | Sep 5, 2013 | Opinion
Jeff Slingo, an editor-at-large for The Chronicle of Higher Education, recently wrote about what he learned from a 10-day transcontinental train ride with 24 millennial entrepreneurs. In the article, Slingo pushed back against the stereotype of millennials as...
by Ircel Harrison | Aug 1, 2013 | Opinion
One of the most discouraging things that a pastor or staff minister can hear is this: “I just don’t belong here. I can’t find a place to plug in at this church.” This may be the last conversation that the minister will have with this person and...
by Ircel Harrison | Jul 25, 2013 | Opinion
Step into any Christian bookstore or search for the word “Bible” online and you will find not only a number of translations but also many editions of the Bible targeted to specific consumers – “The Soldier’s Bible,” “The Godly...
by Ircel Harrison | Jul 10, 2013 | Opinion
Some church leaders disagree with the idea that we now live in a post-denominational world. If they are arguing that issues of doctrine and polity are still important to many Christians, I can understand their position a bit. There are still congregations that are...