3 Reasons Why Churches Should Reach Millennials

When I was a college student, I heard someone say, “The church is always one generation away from extinction.” As I remember, this was intended to encourage us to be evangelistic in sharing our faith. The idea is that God has no grandchildren, only...

5 Ways to Plug in Church Members for Service

One of the most discouraging things that a pastor or staff minister can hear is this: “I just don’t belong here. I can’t find a place to plug in at this church.” This may be the last conversation that the minister will have with this person and...

How to Make Your Bible Study More Meaningful

Step into any Christian bookstore or search for the word “Bible” online and you will find not only a number of translations but also many editions of the Bible targeted to specific consumers – “The Soldier’s Bible,” “The Godly...

Churches No Longer Rely on Denominations for Help

Some church leaders disagree with the idea that we now live in a post-denominational world. If they are arguing that issues of doctrine and polity are still important to many Christians, I can understand their position a bit.  There are still congregations that are...