by Guy Sayles | Oct 29, 2019 | Opinion
One of the Desert Fathers, Saint Anthony, who lived in the third and fourth centuries, said, “A time is coming when people will go mad and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack that one and say, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.’” Fast forward 17...
by Guy Sayles | Oct 16, 2019 | Opinion
A lot of us fear we are “not enough.” In some of us, that fear exists alongside anxiety that we are “too much.” Whether we feel that we lack something that would qualify us for acceptance or that we have an excess of something that threatens people who want to keep us...
by Guy Sayles | Jun 11, 2019 | Opinion
Editor’s note: The following is a commencement address given by Guy Sayles at the 2019 spring graduation of Mars Hill University in Mars Hill, North Carolina. It appeared previously on Sayles’ blog, “From the Intersection,” and is used with permission. This morning, I...
by Guy Sayles | Apr 15, 2019 | Opinion
Our identities – our selves – are made from the stories we’ve believed. We’re storied selves: we live in, by and as stories – stories of ethnic, racial, national and regional heritage; of religious traditions or their absence; of gender and sexuality; of socioeconomic...
by Guy Sayles | Nov 27, 2018 | Opinion
My dad was a salesman, a good one. On days when he was to pitch a big sale, he’d get up early, polish his shoes to a spit-shine and review the proposal he’d soon make. As he left the house, he’d sing at the top of his lungs these familiar words from “Oklahoma,” “Oh,...