The One Pervasive Addiction Almost All of Us Have

I once heard Anne Lamott talk about addiction. In her brilliant manner, she delivered the following wonderful comment: “I have been addicted to just about everything one can be in life, but gambling. And that is a huge ‘but’ in my life, it might just...

Is Your Church a Short Story or Epic Novel?

The fall in the publishing industry is known as the big important book season. It’s similar to all the award-winning movies coming out toward the end of the year. Every year about this time, important books and movies come out – the books and movies that are...

My Last Meal in Kenya’s Westgate Mall Courtyard

I have been really upset over the shooting at the Westgate Mall in Kenya a few weeks ago. It’s not just the fact that there was more violence in our world – another senseless shooting leaving people dead because of violence. Certainly these things affected me,...