by Griff Martin | Jun 9, 2014 | Opinion
One of the refrains we have heard over and over again regarding the loss of Maya Angelou is this: “There was just so much more she had to teach us.” Certainly that is true; she was constantly writing and composing truths for us to hear and read. Thus, I...
by Griff Martin | Feb 13, 2014 | Opinion
I once heard Anne Lamott talk about addiction. In her brilliant manner, she delivered the following wonderful comment: “I have been addicted to just about everything one can be in life, but gambling. And that is a huge ‘but’ in my life, it might just...
by Griff Martin | Nov 18, 2013 | Opinion
The fall in the publishing industry is known as the big important book season. It’s similar to all the award-winning movies coming out toward the end of the year. Every year about this time, important books and movies come out – the books and movies that are...
by Griff Martin | Nov 1, 2013 | Opinion
A Christian funeral can be an act of beauty or a lesson in bad theology. It seems to be at funerals where we offer some of our cheapest theology in an effort to ease some temporary pain. Yet these words often have long lasting and damaging effects in regard to our...
by Griff Martin | Oct 4, 2013 | Opinion
I have been really upset over the shooting at the Westgate Mall in Kenya a few weeks ago. It’s not just the fact that there was more violence in our world – another senseless shooting leaving people dead because of violence. Certainly these things affected me,...