Payday Lenders Enslave Poor in Debt Cycle

One of the primary emphases of the New Baptist Covenant II meeting in Oklahoma was a push for economic reforms related to “payday lending” – industry terminology for the practice of extending short-term, high-interest loans with no credit checks....

States Look to Expand Gambling for Revenue

As state legislatures around the country consider expanding or introducing gambling in their respective states, speculation abounds that Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will soon introduce federal legislation allowing for online poker. In light of the...

Pastor: God Awakened Church “ To Plant Trees

Evergreen Baptist Church is participating in what Pastor Ken Fong calls the revolution of justice and hope. Fong is the senior pastor of the Los Angeles-area church, and he was a featured speaker at the New Baptist Covenant II in Atlanta in November. What might have...

Panel: Stand Up to Unjust Immigration Laws

As part of New Baptist Covenant II, the Oklahoma City satellite location hosted an ecumenical panel Friday to discuss immigration. With the documentary “GospelWithoutBorders” as a backdrop, panelists were asked to respond to key themes in...