Cruise Ship’s Misery Mirrors Earth’s Plight

The Carnival cruise ship Triumph made headlines in February when it lost power. After four days of misery, it was towed into Mobile, Ala. There were more than 4,000 people on board who had no showers, no modern sanitation, no air conditioning, and makeshift food and...

Will Nemo Awaken Us to Climate Change Reality?

I had such a terrible flu that I had no idea that snowstorm Nemo was predicted. However, when it hit, everyone in its path knew that Nemo was here. That path was similar to the track Hurricane Sandy took just a few months ago. So those who were devastated by the...

For Global Climate, Just 1 Degree Causes Alarm

Major weather pattern changes should be alarming news to everyone. Anne Thompson, NBC News’ chief environmental affairs correspondent, recently reported that our average global temperature has increased by 1 degree Celsius and almost 2 degrees Fahrenheit over...