by Gordon King | Feb 22, 2017 | Opinion
Action and contemplation must be intertwined for Christians to effectively address issues facing our world. I was reminded of this when I had the opportunity to participate in the A Rocha Canada national staff retreat last week. It was inspiring to be introduced to a...
by Gordon King | Jan 25, 2017 | Opinion
The global community faces daunting issues in 2017. Where does one go to hear God’s message to the people of his creation? I have been reflecting on prophetic ministries that dare to speak for God about issues like hunger, disparity, racism, consumerism,...
by Gordon King | Jan 23, 2014 | Opinion
I often use the adjectives “broken” and “wounded” to describe the world. Placed together, they express the collective impact of evil and destructive patterns of behavior on human lives. The Hebrew word “shalom” conveys the meaning...