Fully Known and Fully Loved

Fully Known and Fully Loved

By: Ginger Hughes “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” The starlit skies devoid of city lights sparkle down at me.  The eagle soars high above head, the vast Wyoming skies its home.  The rugged edges of the Grand Tetons,...
What Do They See When They Look At Me?

What Do They See When They Look At Me?

By: Ginger Hughes There have been times in my life when I found Sunday School or church to be intimidating.  Perhaps it’s my introverted ways, but I can remember feeling nervous about walking into a new church or a new Sunday School room filled with people who already...
Clean Out The Closets

Clean Out The Closets

By: Ginger Hughes Our entryway closet greets us as we walk in the door.  It’s the perfect dropping off spot for coats, shoes, umbrellas, and book bags.  As soon as we walk inside, we can hang jackets on the provided hangers, put shoes on the provided shelves, hang...
Choosing the Better Part

Choosing the Better Part

By: Ginger Hughes Today there are crayons, construction paper, and glue sticks with no tops stuck to my table from my little one’s “art” project. There’s a half-done puzzle littering our living room floor. There’s a pile of mismatched socks in the laundry room that...
Waiting For Spring

Waiting For Spring

By: Ginger Hughes He squatted down close to the dirt, playing with his elephant, tiger, and tapir, an uncommon mix to be sure.  As he played, his eyes drifted to a small, green shoot poking through the dirt.  “What’s this, Mama?” he asked while continuing to dig in...