by Staff | Apr 23, 2018 | News
Not only do social safety nets “play a pivotal role” in reducing poverty and lowering income inequality but they also have been demonstrated to be effective in doing so. These are two key assertions in the World Bank Group’s “The State of...
by Staff | Apr 19, 2018 | News
Personal relationship is the most common reason U.S. Protestant and nondenominational adults who attend church at least monthly donate to charitable causes, according to a LifeWay Research report published on April 17. Twenty-one percent of respondents said they...
by Staff | Apr 18, 2018 | News
Merianna Harrelson is pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in West Columbia, South Carolina, and editor-in-chief of Harrelson Press Publishing. 1. Where did you grow up? Spartanburg, South Carolina. 2. What is your favorite verse, book or story in the Bible? Why?...
by Staff | Apr 11, 2018 | News
Sue Smith is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel who works with LUCHA Ministries in Fredericksburg, Virginia. 1. Where did you grow up? South central Arkansas in a small town named Carthage in Dallas County. 2. What is your favorite verse, book or story...
by Staff | Apr 11, 2018 | News
Southern states remain the most religious in the U.S., according to a Gallup report released on April 6. The southwest (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas) was the most religious U.S. region in 2017, with 45 percent of survey respondents saying they are...