by Staff | Sep 27, 2018 | News
Chris Sanders is a practicing employment lawyer, active in law, labor, faith and politics. Where did you grow up? Owensboro, (Western) Kentucky What is your favorite verse, book or story in the Bible? Why? Luke 4:18-19, 21. Jesus’ “Nazareth...
by Staff | Sep 27, 2018 | News
From cellphones to chocolate desserts and sushi to shoes, many products reaching the global marketplace are connected to forms of child labor and forced labor. More than two-thirds of the world’s children who work do so in conditions categorized as “child labor,” with...
by Staff | Sep 26, 2018 | News
What is the state of clergywomen in the U.S.? A forthcoming report, scheduled for release on Oct. 1, will answer that question. Using statistical analysis of ministry appointments, along with seminary and divinity school enrollment data, the report will provide a...
by Staff | Sep 25, 2018 | News
U.S. obesity rates have more than tripled over the last 40 years among those aged 19 and younger, according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data released Sept. 5. Those 19 and younger saw the percentage of obesity rise from 5.2 percent to 18.5 percent, from...
by Staff | Sep 24, 2018 | News
Social safety nets have been effective in reducing U.S. poverty over the past 50 years, according to a report released by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) on Sept. 14. Analyzing U.S. Census Bureau data from 1967 to 2017, CBPP found that government...