How You Can End the Us-vs.-Them War

While in the religion section of Barnes and Noble recently, I found two books that struck me as indicative of America at this juncture. One was titled “Why the Christian Right Is Wrong,” and the other was “God’s Own Party: The Making of the...

What Your Church Can Learn from Twitter

“You should really try Twitter, Elizabeth. It’s a good networking tool for the church.” Such were the words from a communications professional friend. In 2008, they fell on my deaf ears. My distant impression of Twitter was a bunch of people saying,...

Why Not Caring for the Planet is So Easy

Genesis 1-2 reveals two important truths about humanity: We are created in the image of God, and we are to be caretakers of the earth. God cared for all things in creation, and humanity is given a similar role. We are to occupy the earth, to multiply our human race...